Catherine Rottunno

Catherine (Cat) Rotunno

Manager, Global corporate social responsibility, Sony pictures entertainment

Cat is part of a two person-team who oversees Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Global Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. The department is responsible for overseeing the studio’s non-profit partnerships including community outreach, grants administration, compliance oversight, employee matching program, disaster relief efforts, and employee volunteer engagement and mentoring. The department works closely with internal partners to support pathways to creative occupations with an emphasis on underserved communities. Cat specifically oversees the company’s youth mentoring initiatives, job shadowing, career focused field trips and workshops. The department works closely with the Culver City Unified School District and the high school’s Academy of Visual and Performing Arts (AVPA) to leverage the company’s philanthropic partnerships to strengthen and support the existing curriculum. This includes SPE’s ongoing partnership with Venice Arts to support arts programming and career pathways work.