join our team!Employment Opportunities
2D Animation Teaching Assistant
Venice Arts is seeking a creative individual with an interest in education to provide support in our 2D Animation Class. While developing their skills and knowledge in arts education, Teaching Assistants provide support to Lead Teaching Artists and work closely with youth ages 10-18. Click here to view full description and apply.
Narrative Illustration Teaching Assistant
Venice Arts is seeking a creative individual with an interest in education to provide support in our Narrative Illustration Class. While developing their skills and knowledge in arts education, Teaching Assistants provide support to Lead Teaching Artists and work closely with youth ages 10-18. Click here to view full description and apply.
Volunteer Artist Mentor
As volunteers in our Media Arts Mentoring program, Mentors provide support to students ages 10-18. Alongside the Lead Teaching Artist and a Teaching Assistant, Mentors are members of the teaching team. With classes of 8–12 students, Venice Arts’ aim is to provide a mentorship ratio of 1:4 or less. Ideal mentors are experienced artists in one of the following fields: photography, filmmaking, comic arts, and animation. We also welcome college students with a genuine interest in media arts and/or arts education who are looking to fulfill internships for academic credit. Click here to view full description and apply.