“Venice Arts has affected both my life and the way I create art. I have learned new skills that I can use in my art and I have grown more confident in my work. (Through) Venice Arts I have received scholarships, won awards, and developed projects that wouldn’t have been possible without the support I have received. ”
Venice Arts’ standards-aligned, sequential curriculum—from beginning to Advanced Studies—teaches photography, filmmaking, animation, and sequential arts (comics) to young people, ages 10-18. Our classrooms offer dynamic, experiential learning environments and, with no more than 12 kids in a class and an artist-to-youth ratio of 1:3, our programs foster creativity, build art knowledge and skills, and assure visual, digital, and media literacy.
In addition to arts learning, we support our students to compete for life-changing awards and scholarships, including those offered through our Creative Equity Scholarship Funds. Our Creative Pathways program encourages young people to aspire high, offering both college and creative career support to all teens enrolled in our academic year or summer programs.
Check out our schedule or register for our Academic Year, running after-school and on Saturdays during the school year, or for our Summer Media Arts Camp, running daily during July. All programs are free-of-charge to low-income families.