Back to All Events Student Culminating Exhibition Saturday, May 14, 2022 12:00 PM 2:00 PM Venice Arts 13445 Beach Avenue Venice, CA, 90292 (map) Google Calendar ICS Untitled, Rah-San Bailey, Age 17 Join us for a showcase of the best of our students’ films, photographs, animation, and comics from our award-winning Media Arts Education & Mentoring programs serving young people, ages 10-18, from throughout LA County! EMAIL CECI to RSVP
Student Culminating Exhibition Saturday, May 14, 2022 12:00 PM 2:00 PM Venice Arts 13445 Beach Avenue Venice, CA, 90292 (map) Google Calendar ICS Untitled, Rah-San Bailey, Age 17 Join us for a showcase of the best of our students’ films, photographs, animation, and comics from our award-winning Media Arts Education & Mentoring programs serving young people, ages 10-18, from throughout LA County! EMAIL CECI to RSVP