
Jan Vogel

CEO, Southbay Workforce Investment Board

For over 40 years, Jan has served as the CEO of the SBWIB, which encompasses eleven cities in the Los Angeles region and which is recognized as one of the highest performing Workforce Investment Boards in California. Jan is considered a leader in apprenticeship development and has initiated many efforts for establishing apprenticeship programs, including utilizing innovative approaches for employer engagement and job seeker recruitment. He has also formulated a variety of pre-apprentice programs that lead to registered apprenticeships; these were incorporated into a region-wide training directory called I-TRAIN, a system created to ensure providers delivered approved quality education and training to students and job seekers. Under Jan’s leadership the SBWIB received two of the largest federal National Emergency Grants in history from the DOL and has been responsible for training tens of thousands of laid off workers, local residents, and youth. SBWIB has been working with Venice Arts for two years to develop a creative workforce collaboration.