Jake Coleman Scholarship Fund

The first Jake Colman Scholarships were awarded at our Culmination Celebration on May 11th to three high school seniors, Valentina, Melanie, and Leonora, to honor their commitment to their creativity, and to support them as they go on to college.
The Fund was created in 2023 by Ed and Terry Colman, in memory of their son, Jake, who passed away “suddenly, unexpectedly, and tragically on December 28, 2013” at the age of 24. They launched the fund with a significant gift, and a commitment to contribute to the fund and give scholarships every year, so that they may know the young people who benefit from scholarships given in their son’s name.
If you would like to contribute to the Jake Coleman Scholarship Fund, click here. If you would like to start a fund to honor a family member, contact Lynn Warshafsky.