COVID 19 Resources
Venice Arts has created this resource list to support our families, teaching artists, and mentors during the this public health crisis. Please check back with us, as we update it with new resources and information from time to time. Please, also, feel free to reach-out to us if you need our assistance.
Food & Health Resources
The Centers for Disease Control has thorough information regarding the COVID-19 virus. Find that here.
Free meals are available for all LAUSD students at the Dream Center located at 2301 Bellevue Ave, Los Angeles. Breakfast is served 7:30-9:30am, lunch is served 11:30am-1:30pm, and dinner is served from 4:30-6:30pm.
The United Teachers of Los Angeles & LAUSD are providing free drive up student meals. Find locations here.
For a full list of the resources LAUSD is offering now, including wellness centers and school-based health clinics click here.
The UCLA Dream Resource Center has information here to help those in the community undocumented access the appropriate health care at this time. They also have other resources for the larger immigrant community as well. Haz clic aquí para Español.
South LA Health Projects tiene información sobre programas, servicios y centros de salud. Encuéntralo aquí.
Emotional Support and Mental Health Resources
Tips for helping children deal with grief from the Child Mind Institute. Find that here. En Español aquí.
Further ways to support your child through loss from KidsHealth. Find that here. En Español aquí.
General Grieving resources from OurHouse Grief Support Center. Find that here. En Español aquí.
Healthline Overview of Mental Health Resources. Find that here.
Recursos generales sobre la Salud Mental. Encuéntralo aquí.
CDC guide for dealing with stress and mental health during an outbreak. Find that here. The page has option for Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese.
Para información de cómo confrontar enfermedades contagiosas emocionalmente, encuéntralo aquí.
Technical Resources
Getting Adobe Programs: If you currently have a membership, you can begin the process of ‘canceling’ your membership and before finishing Adobe will offer you 2 months for Free. If you call Adobe, you may get 3 months Free.
An amazing 5 days of practical training from leading Photoshop experts. Get your Free ticket here.
Spectrum is offering free home internet for 60 days to households with K-12 or college students if you do not already have Spectrum internet. To enroll call 1.844.488.8395.
Comcast is offering free home internet for two months, apply here.
Everyone On has a Zip-code based services to see free or low-cost internet and device services in your area. Find that here.
iMovie, a free editing tool for editing video on a phone or Mac, can be downloaded here.
Da Vinci Resolve, a free editing program for editing video on PC, can be downloaded here.
Stop Motion Animation studio, a free tool for making stop-motion animation films, can be downloaded here.
Free online digital media classes such as Making a Film on your smartphone & Mobile Phone Podcasting with BRIC arts media. Find that here.
Creative/Learning Resources
We Are Teachers has compiled a list of 175+ free resources for facilitating K-12 learning here.
Free At-Home Learning via PBS channels for K-12 students. Find that here.
826 is offering writing based prompts and teaching tools here.
Draw Along with Me (best for K-5th graders), a Youtube video series featuring Nickelodeon artists leading drawing workshops, try drawing a character and writing a story about them! Find that here.
Storyline Online, The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literary website streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustration. Find that here. offers online courses in Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, and. All free through the Los Angeles Public library. Find that here.
The Los Angeles Public Library is also providing many resources during this time, find those here. Additionally, they are also providing free online tutoring for Pre-K through 12th graders as well as adult learners. You must have a library card to access. Find that here.
The Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs has a great list of resources available here.
Go Noodle offers free interactive games to engage students bodies and minds while at home, find that here.
general Resources
For parents with their kids at home, we recommend this doc, it provides some helpful ideas of what to do with kids at home.
The Jewish Free Loan Association is accepting loan applications from those impacted by COVID-19. The loans are no-fee and interest-free up to $10,000. They are available to cover small business losses, lost wages, child care costs, and funds lost due to cancellations. Funds are available in a matter of days. Apply here.
The Student Relief Fund, set up to support students affected by COVID-19 is taking information here from college students affected by the virus and will put them in touch with resources to aid them in this time.
The Sundance Institute will be providing emergency relief for Independent Artists and Organizations. Find more here.
Coalition of US arts organizations launch ongoing relief fund for artists affected by coronavirus. Find that here.
Grant and Resources for Artists during COVID-19. Find that here.