UNTITLED, by Leo C., age 17. Venice, CA

from $150.00

Purchasing a student photograph is a great way to support our free art mentoring and education programs for low-income youth while building your own photography collection.

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Purchasing a student photograph is a great way to support our free art mentoring and education programs for low-income youth while building your own photography collection.

Purchasing a student photograph is a great way to support our free art mentoring and education programs for low-income youth while building your own photography collection.


Leo began taking classes at Venice Arts when he was 13. He has strong technical and storytelling skills in both still photography and filmmaking. He is also very interested in conceptual photography and is extremely prolific.

As a senior, Leo was the yearbook photographer at his school and documented his travels with the YMCA Debate Club. He is currently a student at Loyola Marymount University, and has returned to Venice Arts as an artist-mentor, inspiring younger students by his example.

In Leo’s own words:

“Picking up my dad's point-and-shoot camera when I was just a little kid, probably around 6 or 7 years old, I would have never guessed how far it would take me. Slowly my passion for photography grew significantly through the years of learning at Venice Arts. The programs I took there not only helped me grow as a photographer but also on a personal level: my character and in my understanding of other photographers.  

I started taking classes at Venice arts in 2008 and since then I have grown profoundly through my work, from trying to fill up the memory card to its full capacity to slowly composing each frame with a fully manual film camera and then later processing and developing in the darkroom. Venice Arts has become my second home. Recently we got to exhibit our work at Photo LA, enter our work in different contests.  I won a contest and my work was displayed at the Armory Center of the Arts in Pasadena, and another was displayed at a coffee shop in Santa Monica Place called Groundworks.

In my own life, photography has allowed for me to express myself visually in the way I see the world. I hope to become a professional photographer and make a living with my greatest passion, with the idea being able to wake up and say I love my job. I know my passion and determination will get me to the place I need to be.”